02 December 2009
Yule Believe
16 November 2009
nine of wands
A lion was captured and placed into captivity in a concentration camp. He was surprised to find other lions who had been there for years, some had even been born into captivity in the camp. He caught on to the social structure of the lions in the camp very quickly. They had banded together into various groups.
One group was very social and spent their time socializing. Another was into show business and performing and kept themselves busy entertaining others. A third group was cultural in its nature and their purpose was to preserve traditions, customs and the history of the times when lions roamed free. Other groups were religious, when they gathered they sang uplifting songs about a time in the future when there would be no fences in the jungle. Some of these groups attracted people who were creative and artistic. Other groups attracted revolutionaries and they gathered to plot against their captors or against other groups with revolutionary aims. Occasionally a war would break out and one group would wipe out another or the guards would be killed and replaced by a new set of guards.
The newcomer also observed one lion, often near the fence, who always seemed to be in deep contemplation. He was a loner who kept to himself, joined no group and avoided associating with the others as much as possible. He commanded the admiration and the hostility of everyone, for his presence created fear and self-doubt among the others.
He told the newcomer "Join no group. These poor fools are busy with everything except what is essential." "And what do you think is most essential?" asked the newcomer. "Studying the nature of the fence."
~from tarot canada
12 September 2009
29 July 2009
Gaian Divine
wet clay, oozing through fingers
sandy toes wiggling in wave foam
effleurage petrissage
giving facial massage
cashmere yarn
silk velvet
pink lady apples
garden picked peaches
fresh made lemonade
parantha bread
personal culinary experiments
spring water cupped to drink
licking an ice cream cone
lighted night sky
river movement
butterfly dragonfly tag
wind mussing globe willow's tresses
lover's grin
Rod McKuen's poem,
"When I Was Nine"
hawk song
wind chimes
beaver's burping
children's giggles
friend's merriment
migrating cranes
happy dog yips
creaky redwoods sway
church bells
heirloom rosebushes
lavender fields
bearded irises
russian olive blossoms
towel dried babies
rain soaked desert
herbal soup simmering
old grove forests
ocean tang
life is good. it's good to be us.
spirit of divine ever present
24 July 2009
Parchment Charmed
unexpected uncovering.
Cradled in palms
gently brailling worn cover,
bindings loosened by time.
Archeologist's delicacy
softly brushes breath
across particles,
releasing dust of ages.
Cobwebs enchanting,
veiled till now.
Tender whisper turns leaves,
tracing fortune's path.
Lips resound ancient muse.
Poetic duet spans eon,
a ladling of troved gems.
13 July 2009
beyond form
Whether hovering, skipping with breezes or playing dip-your-toe tag with others, certain was the pleasure awaiting her as dusk begins slow cadence to moon hum. It's in his listening, at day's respite, she dares share. His presence delights her. She knows her joy as a hug.
Slight modulation in breath, with fly swishing tail, the Bull listens for specific airwave band. She is a sound all her own. He smiles through his chawing. Startled was he, the first time she'd lit. These were unfamiliar fractalled eyes gazing into his. They displayed rainbow facets unseen before. Iridescent in pupil and translucent wing, she paused to brush dust from them. More astonishing than her arrival, were her questions. Did she not realize, a shake of head was death knell force for insubstantial such as she.
Fazed not, she rises airborne at slightest movement on his part. First to his left, fast feint sideways, zip around, land again. Her acrobatic ability was dizzying, although now he knows it as her dance. Her being lifts him. He feels his heart grow lighter.
06 July 2009
delicate essence
you are surrounding me.
i dreamed i entered you
using tongue to taste
cranium and brain stem.
from within you,
i am you.
consciousness seeps into
sinew, pulse and tissue.
i lengthen my knowing
on the slide in from
rectory to oratory.
you are immersing me.
seeing through your eyes,
i spill seed of joy.
i am your deep belly
02 July 2009
30 June 2009
After sunrise prayers offered, Mabel is walking, as she does daily.
Mourning doves hear her chuckling. She stops, raises head and speaks heavenward. "I'm so ready. I'm thinking, God, that if the carnival came today, I'd hitch me a ride."
Sunday. 3:33pm.
Mabel pulls into her weekly Staples parking lot. Reaching to turn off radio, when circus music issues from the speakers. At same instant, she glances up to the sight of a ferris wheel, carousel and midway tents across the street. Mabel erupts in laughter.
Next Month. High Noon
I'll receive a postcard. Photo side is a road sign. Message on back reads, "Follow it."
15 June 2009
On a Clear Day You Can See Forever
We are them, come round again, in order to spiral an eternal dance.
Rotation time, continuance of the coracle.
I have been a monkey waiting, at times impatiently, for the 1ooth to step into “Always.” This will be the quantum instance, we have been amassing and holding frequency for. This time around, we, along with Gaia, will do this together. "I have it on the best authority."
The name is but a resonant note, a symbol that holds space for renewal of connection.
How I found myself at the Taos event is a story on its own, yet has it's correlation to what I've shared.
I heeded an inner voice that said, Be here now,” or more accurately, “Be there Now.” So, there went I, without any preconceived expectations, without knowing what the entire 5 days would encompass, as had been suggested. It was the first time I'd ever attended anything like it. It's also been the only one. When the Divine steps in and says, “Glad you came, I have something I've been waiting to show you,” i intuited that further learning would be in the province of the everyday.
Also, once anchored, non-returnable.
And so, I end as I began this telling.
Welcome to Always, True Sanctuary of the Heart.
13 June 2009
Prophecy, Forsooth
Out of?
As in lemme
run to the store
and pick up a quart?
Out of?
As in stepped
outside to grab a pack
and didn't come back?
Out of?
As in
time out,
time delay,
gone fishing,
taken a break?
Out of?
As in
doled out,
passed out,
drawn out,
logged out?
Out of Time?
there's no time
like the present.
And, if not?
Well then,
it should be
taken out
and shot.
* * * * * * * *
chickens scratch in dirt,
like quilled pen writers of old,
seeking choicest phrase.
11 June 2009
St. Peter's Prudery
I elect to wear the only dress I'd packed, black with low scoop neck, albeit made more acceptable (or so, I thought) by pairing it with a higher cut camisole.
"Scusi, scusi" they would have said if they talked. By they, I mean the striped, puffy pantalooned ones. Instead, a strange man's hand on my chest bars way into the Shrine of the
Apostolic Order.
Denied. Thrice. How ironic.
So off go I, to purchase a suitable cover for my exposed self, except, nothing was bared other than cardinal red lace. Oh heavens, do you think it the color or the fabric? We'll never know if my black one would have garnered the same response.
Wending my way through columns, hallways and hungry prayer boxes, I arrive at small gift store. A nun of hobbit size assists me, though neither speaks the other's language. I coffer up, returning with the only scarf large enough to veil head and decolletage. It is muted blues, homespun, coarse cotton, from papal homeland.
Chastened by habit, I am waved through with benediction. I cross threshold into Basilica. I smile.
"In nomino Madre..."
06 June 2009
and now,
syntax, synonmyn and syllable
are simmering on my stove,
please enjoy the delicious gift of this:
How To Eat A Poem
Don't be polite.
Bite in.
Pick it up with your fingers and lick the juice
that may run down your chin.
It is ready and ripe now, whenever you are.
You do not need a knife or fork or spoon
or plate or napkin or tablecloth.
For there is no core
or stem
or rind
or pit
or seed
or skin
to throw away.
~Eve Merriam
maiden flight
from within
will resurface the old stories.
the ones imagined just for me.
Girl Penny and Boy Penny,
loafer passengers.
Whose adventures were they for?
Grandma, did you wish to see the world?
Like the secret ingredient
in Thanksgiving gravy,
did you stir into me your longings?
Did you envision me solo explorer?
I open to receive who we were, and
who it's imaginable still to be.
Here I am,
miles away and beyond,
tasting boundaries
where new edges are grafted.
And some, original
wildest imaginings.
Here I am,
having the times of my lives.
Sitting upon ancient stones,
the ones quarried and carried.
True blue Aegean, my eyes behold,
hearing orators and philosophers
on the wind.
Here I was,
in the energetic presence
of Aristotle and Aristophanes.
Here, where visionary Pericles
brought glories to his
pledged Goddess,
loving her form in Aspasia.
Here stand I,
within the mathematic
language of God,
head bowed in gratitude
for sacred geometry.
Here imprinted,
photographed by stangers.
Did we recognize
each the other
from when we'd trod
these corridors before?
Here, amid cries and cheers,
were Caesars, Christians and charioteers.
The glory that was, still is,
alive in cobblestones.
Here too, my soul borne via Appian way.
Church chimes measuring time.
Here I slumber, to arise
humming morning arias,
appreciating work-bound descendants of
Cicero, Caraveggio and Claudius.
I partake a daily ritual,
counter sipping biscotti soaked expresso.
Here lay I
on back in awe,
a challenge to boys
in red dresses.
Here I, Isis
the veiled and ineffable one
they thought suppressed,
shedding my coin
in fountain and papal box.
I assure our way into their heaven.
Called am I,
to stand again on beloved shores.
Rapallo welcomed,
pensione ensconced,
I am brought from sleep
to ripe bounty unloaded
outside my balcony window.
Romeo to Juliet meeting at dawn.
Portofino piloted,
Here rest I, child delighted
by sweet gelato dripping.
Grazi Ristorante Puny.
Railed cross frosted crags,
I arrive, Elysee side.
Here I and they,
coquettes sipping champagne,
Chanel clad and enchantee.
Plaintive song emerges,
La Sparrow rehearses.
We, the sigh floating Seine-ward,
awaiting lover's return.
Too mute
to draw in elegant word,
I, eye sight of Paris alighting.
Faerie realm sparks appearing
first sky, then mirroring Earth.
Here I, daughter of Sacre Coeur
from the doorway gazing.
04 June 2009
On The Telephone Line
i saw a hawk.
i was a hawk,
seeing me.
visionary guardian
appeared for me.
"pay attention,"
he says.
"pay attention.
i come to activate,
to revive.
i am looking us over,
overlooking this.
i am looking out for you
as you gaze beyond me."
wide wing spread,
perched atop message pole,
"pay attention," he says.
"pay attention."
together, we listen
for the song of the wind.
june 3, 2009
past portal lips,
nerve synapses snap.
i thrust through.
this direct yet narrow path,
a journey of viscose darkness
which beckons to center
pressing inward
to hidden chamber,
i pulse forth.
i die, yet live again.
wedded in
belly stoked fire
and breath born sigh,
spirit gestates flesh.
drenched in primal release,
a beginning's birthed.
i come to be.
april 2004
02 June 2009
i'd planned for me,
twas not the one.
oh, now i see,
instead to eavesdrop
on dear Boethius
and his Muse, Philosophy.
21 May 2009
New Lesson Plan
some Starry nights hold a gift for me.
While Freya chants a runic tune,
her Nornic messages are woven in dew.
A memo to a memo requires focus.
"Pardon me, sir, is that the humming of locust?"
"Besides," Coyote teasingly chides,
"don't you already have a degree in hocus-pocus?"
"Con te partiro," quoth Raven taking wing.
How epic the aperture shows this Spring's fling.
Now back to my studies, I'm off to roam,
through Eleusinian fields with
a slender graceful tome.
~May 20, 2009
* * * * * * * *
You're master of what you've lived,
artisan at what you're living,
amateur at what's next to live.
* * * * *
You build lifetimes
as spiders build webs.
Lots of trials, sometime
to fit one strand.
~Messiah's Handbook:
Reminders for the Advanced Soul
* * * * * *
The Warrior of the Light recognizes the silence
that precedes an important battle.
The silence that says "Things have stopped.
Why not forget fighting and enjoy yourself
a little." At this point, inexperienced
combatants lay down their arms and
complain that they are bored.
The Warrior listens intently to that silence
and understands that somewhere
something is happening. He knows that
devastating earthquakes arrive without
warning. He has walked through the
forests at night and knows that it is
precisedly when the animals are silent
that danger is near.
While the others talk, the Warrior trains
himself in the use of the sword and keeps
his eye on the horizon.
~Paulo Coelho
page 55
02 April 2009
to birth me.
I use you as shore.
Return and repeat.
I mortar these words as dam,
containing elemental force.
In muteness I reach,
where desires seek to beach.
You are siren's song
and I,
Ulysses mast-lashed.
I strain to contain madness,
to crash upon Source.
Grateful be I
for trusted companions
deaf to my howls.
I withstand the pull
on my way forward home.
I am looked for.
May 2004
22 March 2009
In Observance of The Grandmothers
Parachuting where Spirit calls,
they backpack their hammocks within.
Eating where they sleep,
they adore corner views,
reading the blueprints of
each other's homes for inspiration.
Like snowflakes,
each unveils an original tale.
Les doyennes
double quadrilling the first alphabet.
They are infinitely patient.
If one line cast
does not return what they seek,
efforts continue on another.
They trust implicitly.
They move with an economy of energy.
Rarely do they scurry,
although a scamper
is occasionally witnessed.
They dance en pointe,
at times, leaping through space.
Zen mistresses, responding
to all comers and knocks upon their doors.
They love guests and stories,
so be in no hurry.
Their experience of Time
is different than yours.
Though their influences
are eternal,
neither shepardess nor goddess
is awarded greater favor.
They counsel stillness and movement,
thus mirroring
our divine heartbeat.
They teach that to expect change
is vital to a joyful life.
They instruct by example,
remaining true to their natures.
Their dharma is the Cosmos itself,
spinning continual renewal.
They've labored as sailors, aviators,
homemakers and illustrators.
Wherever there is a line drawn
or a track laid, so are they.
They are children of
She Who Is Always.
They are Creation Whisperers.
19 March 2009
maenad drums
Ancient prayers chanted,
elements invoked to intimacy.
Fire. Earth. Water. Air.
I wildly sing:
Come. Come. Come.
Shadow cast, bonfire lit,
I tendril beckon the god,
my lord and lover, twice born.
Welcome, I bid you.
Enter circle drawn.
Pluck succulence.
Sip sweet ripened flesh.
Here, entwine me
with fermented frenzy.
Spill in mounded field.
Heat. Limb. Damp. Breath.
Wildly we'll siren sing.
Here. Here. Here.
18 March 2009
Embered Memory
Countless hours spent hearth gazing
during long, cool summer nights.
Even before old enough to light it,
I sat entranced by golden glow.
After a day spent pollywogging,
it held my interest nightly.
Two small rooms away,
grown-ups sat chewing fat,
while stirring the daily news
into their cuppa joes.
Kitchen windows black
like scrying mirrors,
backdrop to debate and laughter,
trumping pinochle bidding wars.
After growing bored,
I'd melt invisibly away.
Rorschach designs in knotty pine paneling.
The sizzle of deep frying redwood sap.
Ribboning licks of dancing light.
These, some of the ingredients
I used to fire my imagination.
Visions appeared among the flames.
My world was colored by warmth,
as barrier to obsidian nights.