12 August 2011

Rift Valley

Between one world and another,
Lies the rift and the increasing separation,
As the plates of one mind slip away
From the plates of another mind.
I do not question which way I am to go,
But call to my heart to act on the decision made
To follow the soul
Or I will be split apart too,
As so many are,
Between violence
And Beauty.
The violent demands of our everyday life
And the strange beauty of Spirit afar.
I must choose Beauty
No matter the cost in this life.
I must choose and leap
Across the widening valley;
We cannot rest between.
Ah Beauty! Receive me in your open arms. 

~Deena Metzger 

04 July 2011

emerald view

vigilant sentry,
scans from cavern's entry,
veiling worth.

longing, fragrant as incense
heats desire waiting in wings.

quartz power source
shades scorpionic passion.

taos hymn

i awaken to a world,

a moon day giving down
her moon tears;
healing hurts
via fluid strokes.

i   s t r e t c h
to silent strains.
languid, loose-limbed.
i lie warm spooned.

a moon's trail of slow mapping.
ritual trek across route of shared sighs.

a moon day consummated:
intersections consecrated.
latitude and longitude of limnity,
afloat in the current of life.

your hands, my tongue:
stilled breaths counting rhythms of
electrical beat
radiant heat 
inside on this
cold wet,
moon teared morn

borne along with other lovers in time,
held in silken suspension
by silver tresses of a moon day mane.

caught, not fastened,
i croon lullabies of satiation.
soft, feathery, light licks.
moon day maid up to her old tricks.

our lady of leisure
blankets this magical moment,
shedding her moon teared smiles,
giving down secrets of wet joy wiles.

i am she
as you are me.
drop to wave,
swells rise
and i taste once more
meanings in moon day murmurs.
your thighs
my whispers.

i gift this day to you,
my moon day mister.

September 1989

14 May 2011

pied piper

Sacred Seed

calls to open.

Corn Maidens:
eager buds
honor gifted
in being chosen.

Strengthening Reed

speaks for vision.

Young Braves:
centered inside,
counting coup,
courage on mission.

Wisdom Song

flutes the ancestors.

Elder Chiefs' circle
straightened firm,
Old Ones' stories
messaged in bones.

Sirens Song


plays down rain.

sticky thigh memories
among Murder of Crones.

Sacred Scamp

Calls you to listen,
when Coyote pads land
and Raven scopes air.

Feel pulse of mirth?
Kokopelli is there.

Ask for melody,
lilting laugh
or note rung clear.

Payment? A smiling heart.
Kokopelli will appear.

26 April 2011

consider yourself at home

i have met the artful dodger.
he's now two score and best boy capped.
he traded pocketing wallets for splicing stories
or hustling hearts he might wear as pendants,
one eye toward balancing scales.

charm armed, this mossy upturned gem.
his tribe of lost boys, still a congregation unseen.
fringe dweller mastery, comes hard earned.
on hard streets, knocking hard, from hard choices.

though dodger's still feral,
lapidary and library smoothed broken edges.
hawk sight wed to a water rat's adventurous verve.
kwan yin's smile rained gently upon his path.
he looked up one day and decided to follow.

18 March 2011

down and dirty again

at the age of five, i plundered our garden of rocks and stones, enlisting help to lift extra large ones.  i loaded them into my wagon and proceeded to canvas the neighbors, regaling them with the benefits of my selections as natural art for their front or backyards.  if i encountered reluctance, i brought to their attention, the added feature of my wares being great doorstops or paper weights.  i sold out of inventory.

while enrolled in a master gardeners course, i was introduced to a multitude of seed catalogues.  i purchased from many of them.  
i found one that expanded my garden and landscape, both inner and outer.  

my acre was home to grape vines, raspberries, blackberries, apple trees, oaks, russian olives, scotch pines, pinons, cottonwoods and 48 rosebushes.  my tables, culinary, decorative and therapeutic, include varietals in lavenders, manzanitas, japanese honeysuckles, soapworts, fennels, sorrels, alliums, basils, yerba de la negritas, thistles, flaxes, melons, tomatoes, gentians, borages, salvias, morning glories, mallows, edible flowers, native grains, scarlet pimpernel, peppers, zucchinis and all manner of vegetables, common and rare. 

in the beginning, for herbs, i bought the most from a grower in canada.  i attest to the quality of their products.


here are some others i grew:

lion's tail for hypertension, headaches and digestive imbalances
lovage is early spring bloomer and has celery flavour
silver queen wormwood stimulates appetite
witch hazel is anti-imflammatory
mongolian yarrow reduces stomach acidity 

the sagest suggestions i make towards cultivating your own garden of eden are these: become a sponge at the feet of the elders in your area, soaking up experiential wisdom.  volunteer in a community garden.  make friends with your neighbors, asking for cuttings.  visit your local library or independent bookstore for a good reference primer.  notice, log or take photos of your micro climate (sunlight movement, compass directions).  dream and draw.

windowsills, patio containers or planter box gardens can deliver a hearty yield of color, fragrance and tastiness just as much as an acre.  apartment farming is easy.  do a little prep work and reap the bounty. 

17 March 2011

animal planet

6 Ways You Can Help Animals In Japan


Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support Watching the tragedy unfold in Japan this week has been absolutely devastating and many of us may feel helpless as we sit in the comfort of our homes as tsunami victims are dealing with unimaginable challenges. While the focus in Japan is on helping people affected by the divesting earthquake and Tsunami, many people are also concerned about animals affected by the disaster. Here are six ways you can help, courtesy of The Pet Dish.
1) Donate to Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support. A coalition of three groups - HEART-Tokushima, Animal Garden Niigata and Japan Cat Network, their intention is to keep animal rescue on the agenda, provide shelter space and coordinate some earthquake/tsunami animal rescues.
2) Animal Refuge Kansai is also accepting donations. The organization says they have facilities in place and a team of experienced staff able to deal with traumatized animals.
3) The Search Dog Foundation has deployed teams to Japan to help search for victims.
4) Donate to Humane Society International. They have deployed disaster response staff to the region and reached out to Japanese partner organizations involved with animal care and rescue to identify where and how best to provide emergency support and veterinary attention.
5) World Vets are preparing the deployment of a first-responder team to carry out an "on the ground" assessment and provide initial aid. 
6) Join the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support Facebook page to support animal rescue efforts. 

15 March 2011


march 11th.     311: aka, citizen contact number.  

upon leaving in the morning, i glanced up as i always do, to espy a chem trail "X" stretched sky wide.  this occurred at every errand stop i made.  different "x" at every turn.  a continual reminder that no matter how you looked at it, that this day, this moment, made a mark. 

friday, march 11.  a day that beckoned I merge my breath with local lake, where an increasing number of cormorants, ranged themselves in a covered-wagon circle, perhaps to fend off the four seagulls gliding in to drop and stand.  

sharing a fishing pier with courting mallards, i was roused from sitting meditation by a peckish resident coot, needing to examine what might be underfoot.  he, on eternal snack time quest.

i set off walking.  at a curve on the path, i hear call of dear friend. 

while a never before witnessed white hawk, spiraled close above,  an elfin-eyed gamine of about three years, stopped to chat and share smile.   

in shamrock green hoodie with the words, "super hero" stamped on it, she confided her name was, "danica."  together we watched a white dove cross underneath hawk orbit. soon she skipped off, only to return, presenting me with fist gripped stems of yellow clover. 

this happened at 3:11pm.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

danica means morning star.
clover is the flower of Miyagi Prefecture

14 March 2011

hearty cup liquid love

i awake to rain. 

i awake to rain with hummingbird outside my window. 
she's busy busy busy, focused on nest building at oak branch edge.  
above her a laggard crow caws, "wait up," to early rising buddies.

i love to walk in rain. 

returning from school, the house wore a favorite and well loved fragrance.  savory, bay, nutmeg, oregano and garlic mingled in the hissing song of pressure cooker.  inside it garden veggies, chicken broth and conchigliette were slowly reaching desired softness.  the oven warm, was waiting to welcome poppy seed muffins destined to drip fresh butter.

i love rainy days.

09 March 2011

billet deux

from my father's side, one stream of ancestral lineage.

how delicious must have been the dreams, of those who a century or two later, slept in rooms infused with energetic imprints of  giacomo, giustiniana or veronica franco.

24 February 2011

dream sharer

have we met before?  
you are very familiar.  
oh yes, i remember.
twas in a library.
learners in the halls of infinity, speed reading.
glancing over my shoulder,
i heard your fingers memorize old photographs.  
while comfortably sunk into chintz clad wingback,
nose burrowed in leather bound tome.  
i stood on tiptoe, reaching across ancient oak shelves.


tick tock