04 June 2009

On The Telephone Line

i saw a hawk.

i was a hawk,
seeing me.

visionary guardian
appeared for me.

"pay attention,"
he says.
"pay attention.

i come to activate,
to revive.

i am looking us over,
overlooking this.
i am looking out for you
as you gaze beyond me."

wide wing spread,
perched atop message pole,
"pay attention," he says.
"pay attention."

together, we listen
for the song of the wind.

june 3, 2009


upon entry
past portal lips,
nerve synapses snap.
i thrust through.

this direct yet narrow path,
a journey of viscose darkness
which beckons to center

pressing inward
to hidden chamber,
i pulse forth.
i die, yet live again.

wedded in
belly stoked fire
and breath born sigh,
spirit gestates flesh.

drenched in primal release,
a beginning's birthed.
i come to be.

april 2004