15 June 2009

On a Clear Day You Can See Forever

Welcome to Always
Realm of this Samurai Dragonfly

“Now” is so last year. The new thinking and way of being is circular and organic. I invite you to join me.
In agriculture, it is well known that to reap a bountiful yield and maintain the health of the field, one rotates crops. Lessons from the Masters must also be changed around, lest they become weakened from repetitive plantings. We seek to renew them by allowing them to lay fallow, while we sow a companion seed.
By linear time, we are two thousand years since hearing the voices of the Infinite Teachers and some even longer. We read them in the present, seeking to make their relevance to the external world we are. Close your eyes for a moment and visualize their historical contexts. See them in their settings. Can you picture them, here and now? To what were they responding? 

We are them, come round again, in order to spiral an eternal dance.
They, Jesus, the Buddha, Lao-tzu, Zoroaster, Isaiah, Plato, Mohammad, Confucius and Mahavira, all brought and taught for some whose view of the world was that it was flat. Flat implies linear or straight. They came to seed a circle. Round is the new “Here.”

Rotation time, continuance of the coracle.

“Always” is center point from which all potentials and actualities converge, diverge and weave their intersect. It is the thread of them all. In 1989, in Taos, through a series of unfolding sequences, I experienced awareness of Past, Present and Future as a simultaneous and singular event that can be consciously traversed. It was a non-verbal communication, an immediate “gnosis.”

I felt a presence alongside me, within my heart, gazing out of my eyes, vast beyond my small self comprehension, immediately, joyfully recognized and ever present. There was no place, “we” were not. In blinding flash, a door opened and I knew myself as part of the whole and the whole as me. Everything.

I “heard” although a more accurate rendering would be, “absorbed” in completeness, that each one's purpose through all these “points,” was to know in perfection, an individual spark of Unconditional Love. I was engulfed, buoyed, embraced, pulsating in “Oneness.” I was “seeing” all the other seminar participants around me as continually connecting, shifting (“morphing”) in ever rotating spirals
As I gazed into other eyes, during closing ceremonies, in only one pair did I see reflecting back a corresponding recognition. I asked the Presence if I was to share this and received a reply that said, not at this time.
And so, I went silent, in line with what the teacher counseled.
I have carried this within me from then, forward, speaking of it on rare occasions. 

I have been a monkey waiting, at times impatiently, for the 1ooth to step into “Always.” This will be the quantum instance, we have been amassing and holding frequency for. This time around,  we, along with Gaia, will do this together. "I have it on the best authority."
In the meantime, I have worked at “neutralizing” specific sections of mobius strips or karmic streams, if you will.  This has been part of my task.

 The Divine Presence I encountered, revealed that it mattered not what name was given to the condensed sparks of Soul that were in agreement to serve, both in body and pure consciousness. 

The name is but a resonant note, a symbol that holds space for renewal of connection.

How I found myself at the Taos event is a story on its own, yet has it's correlation to what I've shared.

I heeded an inner voice that said, Be here now,” or more accurately, “Be there Now.” So, there went I, without any preconceived expectations, without knowing what the entire 5 days would encompass, as had been suggested. It was the first time I'd ever attended anything like it. It's also been the only one. When the Divine steps in and says, “Glad you came, I have something I've been waiting to show you,”  i intuited that further learning would be in the province of the everyday.

Also, once anchored, non-returnable.

And so, I end as I began this telling.

Welcome to Always, True Sanctuary of the Heart.

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