29 August 2010


monday, august 29, 1966
candlestick park


the cyrkle bounces
a red rubber ball.
bobby hebb's sunny
smiling, gives her all.

i am sitting at my first concert.
right field seats.
a birthday present from
my sister, who is on my left.
energetically electric,
there's volcanic excitement
primed to erupt.

hardly daring to breathe,
i instruct self
to sear each moment into Soul,
for this may never come again.

little did i suspect
how correct,
i'd be.

and then,

the announcer
drowned by
a tsunami of sound,
wildly heralds

four brunette british boys,
magically appearing from dugout,
bound for pitcher's mound.

i enter tessellated space:
time accelerating
while ceasing
to exist.

i do not banshee scream
nor channel maenad.

i weep from immense
heart presence.

i am stretched to encompass
the joy of all creation.

i am her yet again,
every way.

i do not long for yesterday.
when it comes suddenly,
i celebrate it,
imbibe it
relish it,
thanking it
to seed it,
so both power
and summer of love
bloom as new tunes,
this day.

* * * * * * * *


november 2009

i am a house guest.
after one dinner, the host vibrates.
eager is he to share concert cd,
prize in his memorabilia collection.
an event he took part in.
startled were my ears,
once again hearing
44 musical minutes, 11 songs.

all i need now is a spritz of
yardley of london
and my jean shrimpton bangs.

* * * * * * * *

august 2009

hitting the road as vagabond,
on way to where Spirit wants me next,
i entrust one of my prized possessions
to childhood friends for safekeeping.
now hanging out with janis,
procul harem and grateful dead
from winterland,
is famed beatles poster
san francisco



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