25 May 2016


i was just a moment ago, brought immediately back
into breathing early fall,
late night New Mexico sky.
Ojo Caliente. mineralized.

inhale exhale.

clear view of more stars than anyone in a city ever sees.
the cliche of crackling, yet true sound, of a fire gifting warmth.
we sat in circle. alaska, california, texas, ireland, italy, abiqui, los lunas

always do i want you to feel, my gratitude,
for the gift of that memory.
brought forth
from rounding the bend with aspens' seasonal change.

exhale inhale.

earth sharing her ancient wisdom.
solar return journeying with a soul needing healing.
the miles our lives,
have traveled together.
good medicine.
worthy of those front porch rockers,
we joked about in a cafeteria,
plaid clad.

voices still raised in strummed joy

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